[Technical Seminar] AI-based Reliability & Safety - Transforming Smart Manufacturing and Smart City with Applications

2022-05-19 | 活動

AI-based Reliability & Safety - Transforming Smart Manufacturing and Smart City with Applications

Date: 19 May 2022 (Thursday)
Time: 09:30 – 17:00
Venue: Inno2 Multi-function Room 2-3, 2/F., 17W, HKSTP
Language: English

A friendly reminder: By administrative orders from HKSAR Government, persons aged 18 or above are required to receive 2 doses when entering or remaining in event premises by presenting the Vaccine Pass before entering the event premises. All participants must put on mask at all time.

CATCHUP: https://www.cairs.hk/en/media_detail/index/33 

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[新聞稿] 香港科技園 X 艾睿硬件實驗室創新體驗日

6月12日星期三是香港科技園 X 艾睿硬件實驗室創新體驗日,慶祝香港科技園與艾睿電子有限公司合作第一年的成就,並有機會與各參展商一起探索最新的微電子和電子工程技術。

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Inauguration of IEEE Reliability Society, Hong Kong Chapter cum HKSTP x CAiRS Collaboration Agreement Signing Ceremony

2023-09-27 | 活動
© Centre for Advances in Reliability and Safety.